Preparing for Rosh Hashanah | Preparing for the High Holy Days

Preparing for Rosh Hashanah

This video about preparing for Rosh Hashanah was posted a week ago. Now it is one week closer to Rosh Hashanah. In fact, tonight, as I write this, we are less than a week away. The month before Rosh Hashana is called Elul. Its a time to prepare for the Day of Judgment. Even though its a matter of life and death we can somehow we get overwhelmed and let it pass up by.
We’re just like that. The daily- ness of life obscures it’s preciousness. If you feel like Elul is passing you by, you’re in good company- but it’s not too late! You can catch up in no time!!!

PS Because I am posting this video so close to Rosh Hashnah, I am also including some gems of Rosh Hashanah wisdom from my coach, R’ Aryh Nivin.


The Third Alternative

The  Third Alternative is an alternate universe that is waiting for us to visit her. It’s a place of arriving, a place of surrendering control and being open, not only to possibilities, but to the possibility that there are so many possibilities you haven’t even begun to fathom. They say, “You teach what you need […]

Elul Day 12 – Imperfect is the New Perfect

It’s only because you’re my good friends that I can put up a post that is just … a post. Once a while ago I went to  a birthday party and the woman who’s birthday it was gave me a blessing; “May you be able to bring together your ruchinius and your gashmius.” Meaning your […]

Elul! Episode 10 – Back to School

  School is almost here. And we wonder sometimes, “How can we do it all?” How can we prepare for the High Holidays, buy all the school supplies, get the kid’s school clothes organized and be spiritually ready for Rosh Hashana. It seems so daunting. I know, I’m running around, making lists and doing errands and generally feeling like […]

Get 20% More Popular in 15 Minutes!

You’re going to have to trust me on this. Go get some flour, some oil, eggs and sugar. Got it? Okay, now this is going to be way easier than you ever thought. Want to make someone really happy? Follow these instructions. Want your kids to think you’re the greatest – just do as I say. […]

Elul! Day 5! Self Discipline for Lazy People

Vagabond Steve is like a good kick in the pants! Good, because he doesn’t really hurt but he sure gets you moving! I wouldn’t usually put up such a long video, so I listened to the whole thing before I posted it. I would suggest listening to just ten minutes, and if you really want to, hear […]

Elul! A Word For the Women!

I love getting together women. Sometimes. Sometimes I can’t stand it. Women are so deep, we’ve got this secret sister language. We have so much in common that’s universal and I’ve heard that just having women together is in itself a holy occasion. On the other hand, sometimes I hate it. That’s when we get too […]

Elul! Episode 3 Coming Through for the Boss!

I’m so pumped about this. Using every day. swirling around the hours and minutes wrapped up in anticipation and love. Being alive and working towards a goal and living life AWAKE. How’s it going for you? Please let me know how your Elul is progressing. love, Rivka Malka

Elul Episode 2! Plan for the Surprise Attack!

            Age old wisdom; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. When I first heard that, it seemed a little harsh, especially for me the domestically challenged, time management issues girl. But I know it to be true. And it bite sized pieces, even I can handle a little […]

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