We had a fire when I was five years old, and I started it. I remember I wasn’t feeling well that day, and I was at home in my nightgown in the basement. My older brother put on a tape for me to listen to for entertainment. My father who worked the night shift...
Chanuka! The miracle of the oil is that it lasted for eight days. And that, my friends, is only ONE of the thousands of miracles that Hashem did for us in the Chanuka story. Here’s another one that we can focus on. The miracle of searching for that last jar of...
Who am I? Who do I want to be? Those are questions have I heard and even asked of myself. For the last few weeks and months I have had the grounding and inspiring experience of being in the Redemption School of Coaching and I have been diving head-first into that...
I shouldn’t have survived, but I did. Laying in the ICU covered in tubes and bandages, I came back to this world flooded with the awareness of G-d’s unconditional love. I could feel it. I knew it as a reality. It wasn’t just that He saved me. It was that my...
You are powerful, but do you know how to use that power? As a woman, you are constantly figuring out, building up, or breaking down relationships. You’re working hard to be vulnerable but not needy, to make life move without being controlling, and to give while also...
Teenagers are strong, persuasive, moody, and energetic, and they’re desperate to find themselves. What do our teens really want and need from us? In this video, I give you my BEST tips for raising your teens with ease and joy. You will learn: How to give teens...
My website’s mission is to bring women all around the world the opportunity for real spiritual growth, loving community and the healing they’ve always dreamed of.
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