Live Stream – Polishing Candlesticks with My Mother

As part of Live Judaism I decided to film us polishing the Shabbos candlesticks, something which I do way too infrequently. The bonus was that I actually got around to polishing them! The double bonus was that I got to bring my mother into my world.

My mother is a lady; gentle , refined, clear, compassionate and fun. ( I don’t know how fun fits into Lady, but it works on her.) She’s also made an art out of homemaking and cooking ( and giving.)

I  on the other hand  am engaged in a never ending battle between seeing housework as the nemisis to my creativity and the knowledge that it’s a positive expression of love for my family. Either way, it doesn’t go away!

Enjoy this totally candid Live Stream – it gets a little crazy somewhere in the middle. You’ll begin to wonder if

Please Help Neshama Go to School

Neshama our 9 year old daughter with severe Dyslexia is a child from a different dimension. In the last two years her pain has brought thousands of people to charity and healing.
I’ve written about her so many times that you may not even remember that there are 7 other munchkins who we’ve got to raise! This little lady just has a destiny that is meant to be shared.

Coming to you Live from the Sheraton!

Here’s the first episode ever of Kosher Reality TV! Coming to you live and unscripted from my hotel room in Virginia! As part of I’ll be live streaming videos of Jewish life, Perlman life and any other beautiful piece of authenticity I can offer you. So enough with the trailer, let’s get to the show! Click here to see the Live Stream.

Building Intimacy in Your Marriage

In this podcast we get deep into the things that are important to a woman. We explore the most important places to bring intimacy and incredible connection in our marriage.
Have fun! And don’t forget to comment below or if you’d prefer, send me a private message!
Share this podcast if you think it will help a friend.

What I Wear to the Gym

Inquiring minds want to know -want to know “What do you wear to the gym?” So here it is – my super simplest, sometimes sweaty, kind of nerdy gym outfit!

How to Dress Modest Bohemian

I finally did it! I made you a video answering all the questions you’ve asked about how to dress Modest Bohemian. It’s totally stuffed with every bit of info I could think of from dresses to skirts, to jewelry and make-up. Plus some really good resources!!! I think this may turn out to be the my most popular video ever.

More Thoughts on Authenticity

In-authenticity is a place where we don’t invite G-d. Instead we invite  fear of disappointing people and fear of change. I’ve been thinking about all the damage being inauthentic does – and the lives that a end up destroyed because of it. And the more I experience being authentic, the more I know this is true. Read here, and see if you can find yourself in this writing.

How to Check for Bugs When You Eat Romaine Lettuce and Other Vegi’s

  This is a video all about checking for bugs. Yes, you heard right! The Torah talks all about it. It was fun making this video for you, the hard part was finding an image! With this new blog all the feature images need to be large so I take them myself. I walked outside […]

The Day of the Freddy Gray Riots

Here in Baltimore we are living under the the ghost of Freddy Gray. The riots came right into our neighborhood, though thank G-d not with the same force as the riots downtown. The streets were quiet. I rushed out to get milk this morning and the store I went to was moving with a hurried, […]

What Happened to the Clothing Store? So here’s where I condense 4 months of life, a major identity shift, a career change and a new found freedom all in one. In going through this process of uncovering whats true for me, I’ve learned something profound. There is no rescuing, there is no being someone you’re not. There’s only acting like […]

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