You can make a Geula Gathering wherever you are! It’s simple!
Here are some guidelines to help you get started.
- Choose a venue
- Register you event
- Advertise – (click here to get access to flyer templates)
- Plan your event
It’s really easy
We can provide you with audio visual entertainment and inspiration, music, prayer cards, as well as ideas and guidelines for the event. Or you can customize the event to your own needs.
What does a Geula Gathering look like?
In every community a Geula Gathering will look slightly different. However, here are some guidelines that we request you follow:
Multiple greeters at the door so each person feels welcomed and seen.
Music should be on to welcome people as they come in.
Experiential – Not a series of lectures. We daven/pray together.
Wherever possible Inclusive of all ages ( or age 12 and up)
You may choose to have audiovisual equipment for a video that we will send out.
All programs should include singing as an important part of the evening. This is the language of the soul.
Participants Contact Info – please collect participant contact info so we join in more unifying events. Our dream is to gather in tens of thousands!
Geula themed. No other agenda. We want Moshiach now! We yearn for You, Hashem!
When you make a Geula Gathering you are joining with women everywhere who are rolling up their sleeves to work for Hashem.
You are not alone. We are here to support you.
Once you register your event you will be on the list to receive tools and resources that will help make your event incredible.
- Playlists
- a Geula video
- a musical sing along video
- follow up tools
- tambourine ordering and more.
Since everything is happening so fast, just one month from the conception to the event, don’t expect to receive everything immediately. As soon as we have material, you will receive it. Your job is to register your event, so we have your contact information.
You are invited to join the Geula Now! Whatsapp chat.
Click Here to join the WhatsApp group.
We are producing a moving Geula video to enhance your event.
Tefilla/ Prayer: Most important to the tefilla is that it comes from the heart. If any of the following suggestions don’t work for your community ( and will make people feel ostracized) please make adjustments accordingly.
Nishmas all together
The Tefilla L’Geula Booklet. This has a specific prayer for Geula and specific Tehillim that were recommended for this sort of gathering. I will be sending you that booklet so you can print it. Please contact Zahava Farbman ( I will send her details with the booklet) if you will be printing it professionally. She would like to donate $100 towards your costs. WOW. ( Otherwise you can simply print it on a computer.)
Tehillim: Reb Chaim Kanievsky said ( in direct response to how should the women pray) that we should EACH say Tehillim 10 times. As in, each woman. This does not have to be done at the event ( that would be a very long event!) However you may choose to introduce this idea and begin Tehillim from the beginning with the women. Reb Chaim explained that we should break it up as is manageable ( as in 3 perakim a day) over the coming months. Since this was a direct question to him, with a follow up question to get utmost clarity I’d like to take this very seriously. Hashem knows the power of Tehillim and He wants His women to use it!
Emails: Through these events we are gathering an army of women for Hashem. It is very important that we get everyone’s emails. This is only the first gathering! Hashem has even bigger things in store for us. PLEASE have Ipad’s ready to register people.
All they need to do is to enter their email on the home page of Geula Gathering. It’s super easy. You can do this at the door ( BEST) or you can walk around with an Ipad. I would recommend having a registration table at the door. You can get emails and give people whatever printed material you want.
We have all worked so hard for this, please, please don’t let this ball drop. This is how we will nurture the light we are creating.
Donations: There is no a door fee or suggested donation. If any hearts want to build and give to events, they may.
Videos and Pictures: Please take generous video footage and pictures. We will be putting together a video with footage from all your events around the world. This will not be close ups of any women who don’t want to be in it. This will be footage of large crowds davening.
Thanks to the tremendous effort of Frank and Danielle Sara Storch on May 16 Rabbi YY Jacobson will be live in Baltimore speaking to the women about Geula. This event will be streaming all around the globe with this video as the intro. We want to see you represented! After your event we will contact you to get that footage.
Security: You must let the police department in your area know that is going on. Please request extra patrol the night of your event. Please also take every security measure that you can. Chaverim, Hired Security etc. If you need help with this contact chesedfund@gmail.com
Shabbos Clothes: We encourage everyone to wear Shabbos clothes as befits this great occasion. Shabbos clothes carry the scent of Shabbos and will help to elevate our bodies and our experience.
Follow Up: We will have unity and inspiration and our davening will ascend IH. What is next in our service of Hashem?
There are a few options you can offer people.
Tehillim. As mentioned, this is a specific instruction from Reb Chaim. Please encourage and promote the saying of Tehillim. Klal Yisroel needs it! We can do it!
1. Video. We do not need a lot of video footage. Just a a few great clips. Please do NOT have a male photographer or videographer at this sacred women’s tefilla event.
How do I know if there is already an event in my city?
What if I live in a large community? Should I make two events?
What should I do at the event? Do you have a suggested program?
Who is in charge of this?
Are there any haskamos?
Yes! here is a quote from Reb Reuven Feinstein:
“It is with great pleasure that I give a bracha to the nashim who are uniting their efforts to bring nachas to Hashem with Geula Gatherings. These tefillos for Geula from the pure yearning hearts of the Nashim are invaluable to Klal Yisroel and I give them a bracha for hatzlocha in their endeavours”
Click her to read the haskama of Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz (Rav of the Kotel.)
We are also partners with Ner Echad a project of Reb Chaim Kanievsky.
What is the goal of this? Do you think you will bring Geula through making an event?
This surely will be noted in Heaven.
Why is song and dance a part of this?
Music is the language of the soul. IT moves us in ways that words alone can’t.
Dancing is an expression of Life. It says that when you dance you are mimicking angels ( who don’t have feet) by lifting your feet off the ground. It is as if you are saying “Hashem, take me higher! I want to ascend to You in closeness!” Dancing is also a uniquely feminine expression of joy. By showing joy we are saying “Hashem, we know it looks like we are in Golus (exile) but we believe it’s going to be over soon! We trust in your kindness and miracles. We trust in your salvation! We have not given up hope! We want You more than ever!”
Please join and share your gifts!