By Rivka Malka

July 21, 2015

I Was a Powerful Kid

This post is for all those kids ( and their parents) who are powerful. Kids who have big mouths, big opinions, big feelings. Kids who naturally question authority and have spunk. These kids often get the best grades but cause the most trouble. These kids often have the biggest hearts and the most complicated ones. These are not the kids that get the award for best behavior, but when they grow up, these kids may just change the world.
I call them powerful kids. You can call them whatever you want. Just don’t call them bad. Listen to my story and see if you can find yourself in it.
Were you a powerful kid? How do you actualize that power in your adulthood? What do you do for your kids who are powerful? Do they press your buttons? If so, I hope this post helps yo understand them. As usual, there is so much more to say, but enjoy this podcast and let it get you thinking about your role in a powerful kid’s life ( even if that kid is you, all grown up.)
And then share this post with someone who “gets it.” Because there’s nothing like the feeling of being understood.
Love, Rivka Malka

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