welcome to the

inner child intensive

A chance to do it all over again.

Heroes. Warriors. Survivors.
You are pretty incredible.

Yet deep down you know, you just know, that there is more to this journey. There is more to YOU.
Your healing isn’t finished. There is a heaviness sticking to you that no amount of therapy is moving. At this point, you have been to therapy. You have done your inner work. You have climbed the mountain of pain and seen yourself on the other side.
Despite everything you’ve been through, you have built yourself a life. You may even help others because of your experience. Still, you need something else so you can finally live the life you want.

You want JOY.

You need an experience that will untangle the the inner programs that hurt you and will bring you back to wholeness.

An experience that involves ALL the senses.

A space where your child self has a chance to be heard, to play and to heal – so you can start your life again.

Tell your Story From the Beginning

The Inner Child Intensive is the ultimate healing experience.

  • Only 6 women per Intensive.
  • 3 Coaches for highly individualized healing.
  • Fully supported before, during and after – with prep work and follow up.
  • Deep inner work augmented by creative and playful sessions.
  • Gorgeous private accomodations deep in nature.
  • Fresh, kosher food cooked on premises.
  • Hot tub and amenities.
  • Morning to evening facilitation, support and healing.

How it Works

The Inner Child Intensive is led by Rivka Malka Perlman, Rachel Welfeld and a third qualified Redemption Coach. It is our honor to support you.

Rachel brings a methodology called Intuitive Response to bring you to mental stillness and emotional calm. It’s a guided meditation, and the most powerful form of therapy we’ve ever seen.

We’ll use it to create a space for you to feel genuinely safe, where you can discover and speak your own truth. Perhaps for the very first time.

You’ll feel so relaxed and present to your own truth, breakthroughs can happen at virtually every session, fundamentally altering the relationship you have with yourself and your loved ones. We will help you to still your mind, listen to your body and uncover new keys to joy.

Rivka Malka calls on transformation coaching, somatic experience, role play, Gestalt therapy ( listed below) to assist in the healing.
Her most powerful tool is the absolute belief that healing is possible and that it is Hashem’s desire that you regain your wholeness and step into your light.
We do not waver from that belief and we don’t give up.

We are like doulas in a birthing room. No matter how much pain a woman is in we know that a baby will be born – and we never let go of that thought.
We bring our combined expertise in Somatic Experience, Silent Listening – Intuitive Response, Movement, Art, Role Play, Transformation Coaching, Journey Work, Breathwork, Radical Forgiveness, Fun! and Emunah.

You will meet the child, be the child, hold the child and parent the child – teaching her about forgiveness, her holiness, her value and giving her permission to trust life.

Topics you may explore include:

  • Intimacy
  • Marriage
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Shame
  • Trust
  • Boundaries
  • Power
  • Parenting
  • Forgiveness
  • Relationship with G-d
  • Self Worth
  • Financial Success or Lack of
  • Releasing Energetic and Generational blocks


Where does the Intensive take place?

We generally have an annual Intensive on the East Coast and one on the West Coast. Our East Coast Intensives are within 4 hours from New York and our West Coast Intensives are within 4 hours of LA.

What are the accommodations for the Intensive?

We stay in secluded homes nestled in the woods or on a waterfront that support an emotionally safe space. The guest house itself is fully furnished and comfortable. We are careful to choose places that have hot tubs (which we use generously!) and feel like a true vacation. All food will be cooked on the premises and prepared for you according to your dietary needs so that when you come you will be fully cared for.

Can you tell me about the group dynamic?

Yes. The group dynamic is warm, connected and expressive. The group itself is part of the healing. Sharing your journey in this setting releases the shame of secrets and dissolves the feeling that you are in some way different, broken, dirty or wrong. Hearing and sharing stories is cathartic and helpful.

The group also plays an active role in individual sessions and will support you while you do your work either through role play, holding the space or reflecting back your experience.

What is the daily schedule?

Day 1: We begin at 1:00 PM with lunch and a welcome and start our program. The first night typically ends at about 9:00 PM.
Day 2 and 3: We begin at 8:30 AM and work until 7:00 PM.
The evenings are for integration where we use art, movement, laughter and stories to solidify your learning and its real life application.
Day 4: We begin at 8:30 AM This day is dedicated to planning for your return home. You will be coached and will create an action-oriented plan that will bring concrete change into your life. The Intensive is over at noon.

Is there a waiting list for the Intensive?

Yes. Should you decide that the Intensive is for you at a time when we are full, we will add you to the waiting list and let you know when a space opens up.

What is the cost of the Intensive?

The cost of the intensive is $5000 or two payments of $2500.

What is the best way to get to the Intensive?

Transportation to the Intensive is your responsibility. Often times, there are a few women coming from one location and they choose to travel together. This is something that you can arrange closer to the date.

It sounds amazing but I’m scared, what can you tell me?

What you are doing is HUGE – it is scary and monumental. If this is the first time you are participating in something like this you may be very anxious. The fear is normal. Remind yourself that this is direct from Hashem and that He wants everything good for you. You are taking care of yourself the way that your inner child needs and it will be a gift for you and for everyone in your life.

What kind of women come to the Intensive?

The women who come to an Intensive are on a healing journey. They have in common the true desire to be free and to fall in love with life and with themselves. They want to have a connection with Hashem that is loving, present and alive and they know that this work is what will help them get there.

When we put together a group we are conscious that the women will be a good fit for each other. This means that while we want healing for everyone we are not able to accept everyone to each intensive.

Is the Intensive emotionally safe?

Yes. Confidentiality and emotional safety are our top priorities. If you are currently working with a therapist and would like us to be in touch with her, we can do that. If you are on medication we would have you notify your psychiatrist about your plans.
Work like this is scary and it is normal to feel on edge before entering such an environment. However, as you step over the threshold you will realize you are safe. You will be okay. Our coaches are gentle yet powerful in their ability to contain an experience with the utmost safety. Though you will experience ups and downs throughout the four days, your journey will be completely supported and held.

What will I need to bring to the Intensive?

We provide everything you need for a comfortable stay. Bring clothes that are relaxing to you, shoes that are comfortable and a robe that you like to lounge in. Lastly, bring a sweatshirt or a sweater because it can get chilly at night.

You may also want to bring crayons, markers or pens. The point is to go to the store and start treating your inner child kindly right now! Does she love Crayola markers? Buy her some! Don’t overthink it. Stickers? Buy them! Say yes to her!

How will I prepare for the Intensive?

Before the intensive you will have a half hour session with one of us. This will help you to feel comfortable and to have your questions answered. You will also receive a questionnaire that will help us understand where you are coming from and what you want out of this experience.
When we receive your response we will customize a personal plan to get you ready and open for the work.

What is the follow up after the Intensive?

When you go home you will not only take this experience with you, it will live alive within you. You will want support as you experience your new self in your life. To hold you through the transition there will be two group coaching calls where you can share your process and get feedback on it. In addition, you will receive a one on one session addressing your most intimate questions and personal agenda.

An important part of the follow up is the relationships you will have built during the Intensive. We encourage you to invest in these precious connections and to fuel your growth through these friendships. Coaching sessions beyond the first one are not complementary and regular coaching fees would be applicable.

What is the cancellation policy?

Due to planning that goes into the Intensive we are not able to offer refunds for cancellations. With the exception of true emergencies, once you are accepted into an Intensive and confirm that you are coming you are responsible for your space and the accompanying fee. Please keep this in mind to avoid any confusion. Should you decide to cancel, the only thing that we can offer you is a space on a future Intensive. However, we cannot guarantee that there will be a space available on a future intensive. Payment for the Intensive cannot be applied to any other Redemption event or private coaching. This is a special stand alone offering to a select few people.

Do I need to be Jewish to join an Intensive?

No, you do not. All Redemption work is rooted in Judaism and is open to all spiritual seekers. If you are comfortable with that, we welcome you. Please note though, as written above, if for some reason we feel that the group dynamic won’t be safe for you, we will let you know and we will make alternate plans for your healing experience.

How do I get more information?

If you’d like to have a conversation to find out if this is what you are looking for, send a message on the contact form here and we’ll set up a half hour session to discuss it with you.
This is a big decision – We know! Our prayer and intention is that you have an experience so powerful that you literally access parts of yourself that you never knew were possible and you activate your Light and Joy!

We are only accepting 6 people for this Intensive and our dates are already reserved for the property we are using. This is a big opportunity. If this sounds like your next step please be in touch with us as soon as possible. This is important because we need to get you started on the prep work. We are here to answer any questions that you have. We want you to know that you are fully supported in your healing.

More questions?

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Was it really just 3 days? It felt like more. Time stood still. What happened to me at this Retreat is something that I am still digesting. It is surreal. All I can tell you is that my family can see the difference – and I feel great!

I was nervous to come to this but I knew I had to. I am so happy that I did. This Retreat brought me out of a 4 year slump and I am taking my life back!

I am so grateful that you brought this Retreat to our city. I am a private person and don’t usually go to these things. You made it welcoming and safe and I got what I was looking for.

I love that you gave each of us time. It was surprising to me. I was not expecting that level of personal attention. How can I thank you? I have no words.

I remember when I was young and I had this connection to Hashem that was real and unshakable. I haven’t been able to access that for so many years. Thank you for bringing me back – and for my action plan. Now I know how to keep it up.

“Twenty years of therapy in 3 days! That’s what I told the person who asked me what changed about me.”

“At this Retreat I forgave myself. My life starts from here.”

“My life is pretty together. I’m not sure what led me here. Hashgacha Pratis, I guess. I had no idea what to expect. YOu helped me to see myself in an entirely new way and answered questions that I’ve had for years. I loved the learning segment as well as the experiential segment. I feel lucky to have joined. Now I want to recommend this to everyone I know!”


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Registration is open for the School of Coaching and Transformation!