YES! It’s time to register!

Your life
is about to get way better.

Next retreat(s):

May 6-8 in Capital Camps in WAYNESBORO, PA

Payment details are below and may vary slightly from city to city. The prices below reflect the Baltimore ( East Coast) Redemption Retreat.
Click Here To Open The Registration Form
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It’s a big decision, I know.

Going away for three days? Spending good money on myself? Trying something new? Meeting a bunch of strangers? Is really for me? But I’m pretty normal!

That’s it. If it’s got you thinking; if it’s got you in that place of anxiety laced with excitement ( or vice versa) than that’s a pretty good indicator that this has struck a nerve.
You need to come.
Hey, whoever you are. You’re one of us. And it’s your turn.

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I never in my life saw something as holy and real as the acceptance and love that you and the group have to each other! Religion to me till now was all about looks making sure my neighbor knows I’m frum! I realized that religion is a relationship with Hashem and that everyone is unique and gets to bond with Hashem in their own way. The diversity of the group was just a proof of that because you were literally able to see the shechina on every face! This retreat must really be like a taste of Gan Eden! Hashem has so much love and he let me feel it today!!!

I am coming off one of the most joyful and eye opening experiences of my lifetime. I had the merit of spending three days (with the holiest women I have ever met!) in self discovery and a search for true meaning. I am starting to see who I truly am and what my unique mission is in the world. It’s exhilarating! During these days many tears were shed. There was zero judgement felt. Just lots of unconditional love from my new sisters and friends as we leaned on each other, overcame fears, shared our dreams and innermost passions and helped one another climb to higher levels in our connection to our creator.

“I got everything I wanted from the Midwest redemption retreat! I had wanted to discover my purpose in life. My children were always my priority, but now that they are grown I could see that I needed to redirect. Pleased that I could do this work surrounded by Jews of all walks, I was influenced by many, but in the end came away with a “mission statement” that was driven by only me. And isn’t
that the way it will be when I meet my creator after 120? Thanks Rivka Malka!”

I got the opportunity to experience myself in the way I always wanted to. All those gifts that I always thought or hoped existed in me are now ready and able to leave the chambers I kept them under all these years.
I feel like until now all Hashem’s gifts that he gave me were rusting away. My silly excuses …– I’m a closed person…. I don’t express my feelings so openly…. I’m just strong and technical. ..I’m not warm and lovey. … I just mind my own business. …. I am done!
I feel ready to take all that Hashem has blessed me with and go out there, be there for people, show them how much I care and connect! All those dreams don’t have to stay dreams after all. The opportunity you gave me in that circle under the tree was such an awesome experience for me!
I want to say a big and sincere heartfelt -THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU! By you being you I was able to be me!

The Life Mission Seminar in LA

From: $375.00 / month for 2 months


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Payment Plan Options

1 payment of $750, 2 payments of $375

Date and Location

January 14th-16th in Los Angeles, CA.

Registration is open for the School of Coaching and Transformation!