Here’s the plan.
To give you support and encouragement as you articulate a vision and create a plan to see it through.
To nurture your latent strengths, believe in you and hold a wide open space for anything to happen.
To guide you towards healing, self – love and celebration of your life and strengths.
What is Coaching?
TLC, Transformation Life Coaching is changing who you are by changing what you do.
How does it work?
It challenges you to grow within your circumstance towards the great vision G-d has in mind for you.
What will you get?
Whether for your business or personal life, you will be on a fearless journey to find the answers that will affect the deepest change.
Where will it take you?
Some like to call it a Healing Journey. Some just call it total transformation.
Here’s What You’ll Get
Break Your Patterns
Uncover your blocks and process through the feelings that created them.
Change Your Relationships
As you change, so will your relationships. Discover the peace within yourself and watch the ripple effects as you gain skills and knowledge
Achieve Your Goals
Get accountability for the goals you set. Start producing like never before. Watch yourself take control of your life choices. Have a personal cheerleader!
Experience Self Love & Inner Peace
As you are compassionately supported for being you, you will experience an awakening of self love and acceptance.
Move Forward
Blast through fear or resistance and gain tools, knowledge and confidence to move your life forward.
Discover Your Life Mission
Become intimately aware of the unique nature of your gifts and how you are meant to serve in the world.
Coaching Works.
Dear Fellow Traveler,
I’m so glad you are here. Life is constantly changing and sometimes it’s hard to get your bearings. Wow, do I know what that’s like.
Here’s what I’ve learned: No matter what happens, with every change comes an opportunity. You can heal from your story and find new strength, wisdom and leadership.
It’s like you are a seed that’s decomposing, and when you will sprout you will be something new and even more beautiful.
I’m so happy for you that you are considering coaching. Its a privilege to support you as you become the woman you are meant to be.
Love, Rivka Malka
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