By Rivka Malka

May 14, 2012

Video:Prying off Technology’s Tentacles – Ouch!



I’m still posting about the internet. Does it seem excessive?This topic is a hot one – a life changer. And I really want to share it with you!

Take Motzai Shabbos (Sat night)  for example. I was editing the video that’s in this post. It was late, but I had energy, having rested on Shabbos. My husband was tired and was ready to go to bed. Only a short time ago, I would have said.”okay, good night, I’ll just finish this up for a little bit.” I should be embarrassed to admit that. And I am. I’m not an accountant doing critical taxes late into the night and I’m not on a life saving mission with a deadline; I’m just a girl, on the computer. But somehow,  I let that take importance over the old-fashioned goodness of ending the day together with loved ones.

This time, I said “okay,” saved the video (cringing, b/c  it was half done) and shut down the computer. And you know what?  The minute it was off, I was fine.

Have you ever been on a diet? When the brownies are in front of you, it’s nearly impossible to keep your eyes off of them. But when the table is cleared, or when they’re eaten up by other people, you stop obsessing. It’s just a matter of putting it away. So that’s what I’m doing

The craziest thing happened! This Friday afternoon I was cooking, when I looked out the window and caught a glance at my two little ones. There they were, on the swings, dressed in their shiny Shabbos clothes. I said to myself ” I won’t miss the moment!” So I grabbed my camera and headed outside. “Smile!”

My daughter smiled sweetly as she said “Mommy, when you’re done taking a picture, could you please push us?” OH! How did I miss that? That was the moment – not the picture! It was a real in-my-face example how I ‘ve got to relearn enjoying life’s pleasures. Not clicking and sharing them.

Yesterday, we had a yard sale. The old me would have brought my cell phone outside with us. But I chose, (yes, we get to choose!) to be out there exclusively with the kids. For hours! Ah, delish!

Outside, without my phone, the kids were happy. Relaxed. Knowing that they had my attention. It even drew my 15 year old out. I didn’t need to manufacture quality time.  It WAS quality time. At the end of the day, quality time has the word time in it. It takes time to spend time with the ones you love.

I recently read an article interviewing a Rabbi who wrote a book about the 12 steps. He says, “an addiction is anything that you look to, for peace, other than G-d.”

And I think that’s the real point. We’re looking for love in all the wrong places.That’s why it’s so harmful to wake up to emails. It makes us bypass that moment of special connection with G-d. When we wake up we say  Modeh Ani Lefanecha (Thank you, G-d). We open our eyes and are given a new day. We’re being lavished with love. And too often, we miss it. We miss that connection. And He misses us.




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