<h1 style="font-size:42px;color:white;font-weight:600;padding:30px 0">A 3 Month Results Based Personal Coaching Program.</h1>

You are already AMAZING but you know there’s more in you.

“My life is totally out of balance. I need a plan and I need to stick to it.”

“My business has so much potential! I just have to get it together.”

“I need a total reboot. So much has happened, I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

You know exactly what you need to be doing.

You can feel it.

The hard part is actually doing it.

“Who will I be on the other side?”
“Can I really do it?”
“If I make the change, will it even stick?”


“I can’t believe I’m the same person as when we started. So much has happened, it’s like the minute I began SoulShine I found new strength and motivation to do what needed to be done.”

All you need is:

  • A concrete plan to achieve your potential.
  • Soul based coaching that will evoke your most powerful self.
  • Support and encouragement while you go for your goals.

Whatever it is, you can achieve it – You can be happier, healthier, wealthier, have more peace and clarity, and filled with self love.
In 3 MONTHS you could be where you are dreaming of being right now.
Why not? Why shouldn’t you always get to feel amazing and accomplished and whole?

Right this second there is something that you want.
You have tried to master it on your own, but you can only get so far.

Here’s a secret:
Every successful person has a coach.
That’s how you become an Olympic Champion human being.

Let’s be honest, these are not casual goals.
Your happiness and achievement affects everyone in your life.
Most of all, it affects you.

You were born to SHINE.


A 3-month results-oriented, personally customized program that will take you from where you are to where you want to be.

“My coach has a warmth to her that allowed me to really open up and talk. She listened and heard what I was saying and didn’t just throw answers at me. I’m learning to take charge and not procrastinate. She gave me the strength to set a goal and stick to it.”

“I started SoulShine because I wanted every woman to have a clear and highly powerful path to Transformation.“

SoulShine is for women who not want mediocrity.
We cater to women who want to fully actualize their potential and are willing to do the work. You bring the fire and we will bring you clarity, results, healing and ACTION.

Empty nesters wanting to find fulfillment in the next chapter.
Women on a healing journey.
Teenagers wanting to feel confident and amazing.
Divorcee’s redesigning their life.
Momtrepreneurs building their business.
Anyone ready to let go of their pain in order to blossom into their true self.

We will help you go from “I wish I was there” to “I’m so glad I’m here!”
Allow us to support you in bringing yourself to the next level.

“I was stagnating…. and through my coach’s amazing questions, I felt myself go from still life – to flowing, energized action.”
“Instead of prescribing answers, you listened deeply and helped me find the answer within myself. Totally empowering. Thanks for organizing my thoughts for me when I couldn’t do it myself. ”
How It Works
SoulShine works through a proven process of self-discovery and action. When you join SoulShine your goals are fully supported by our team as you reveal your ultimate self!

We begin with an extensive questionnaire that is designed to decode what powers you and what holds you back. Next, you and your Mentor will create a customized action plan to set the vision for your time in this program. Once the plan is set in place you are then partnered with the Redemption Coach that best suits your needs for this journey.

Your Mentor helps you design your specific program plan, and your personal Redemption Coach guides you to deep insight and powerful action. You will also have group coaching calls to celebrate your growth and learn the secrets of transformation with Rivka Malka. Your SoulShine Facebook community will help you stay in the game and on track as you go in the direction of your dreams. We are in it to win it!

What is a Redemption Coach?
A Redemption Coach is a cheerleader for your soul’s great actualization.
A Redemption Coach uses her skilled intuition to help you tap into yours.
A Redemption Coach is trained to call you on the stories and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and to encourage the G-d-given strengths that will fuel your success.
Redemption Coaches have walked the road. They know the well worn paths of growth, healing and change. They know the exhilaration of living their life mission.
Redemption Coaches know the fire that burns inside of you.
A Redemption Coach sees your magnificence, and lights it up for you to see too.

Your magnificence brings the breakthroughs!

What is a SoulShine Mentor?
A SoulShine Mentor is a comforting and caring presence at the beginning, middle, and end of your journey, to gently help you clarify your goals, to support your experience and make sure you’re feeling on track throughout the process, and to celebrate your success!
What does SoulShine look like?
Beginning with our extensive SoulShine questionnaire designed to decode your inner workings.

  • Create a Roadmap to Success with your SoulShine Mentor.
  • Get 1:1 Redemption Coaching with a personal coach chosen to best fit your needs and lifespace.
  • Experience new levels of self development and mastery.
  • Stay focused on your goals through coaching sessions, accountability workbook, emails and group calls .
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself as you reflect in your SoulShine workbook.
  • Build relationships with other powerful women.
  • Learn Rivka Malka’s secrets to transformation and success.
  • Get unstuck and MOVE into your power!
  • Achieve your goals and celebrate your accomplishments!

You can do this!!


Life is too short to waste your time.

What miracles do you want to see in your life?
What are you willing to do about it?

SoulShine awakens the powerhouse within you who CAN DO ANYTHING.

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You’re an ideal SoulShine woman IF…

You’re open to doing inner work and finding your best self.
You yearn to actualize your potential.
You hunger for one-on-one coaching that zeroes in on what’s really going on.
You want a mentor that cares about your progress.
You want a clear-cut program to guide you towards your goals.
You’re ready to take yourself to the next level.
You desire high quality coaching by trained Redemption Coaches that speak to your mind,
body and soul.
Who are the coaches?
Redemption Coaches are personally trained by Rivka Malka to view a woman’s journey through the lens of her unique life story and to evoke lasting transformation. Redemption Coaches are clinically and holistically trained to understand how the micro – struggle (the life struggle you’re currently facing) fits into and supports the macro- story, the full person you’re meant to be.
How will the coaching sessions be held?
Coaching and Mentoring Sessions are conducted either by phone or Zoom video conferencing.
What if I can’t make a coaching session?
Commitment is part of the formula to success in this program. Our commitment to you and your commitment to the program. Now is the time to go after your goals with focus and determination. To maintain your momentum and help you achieve your goals we request you keep all of your coaching sessions. One appointment reschedule will be available for an emergency situation.
Is SoulShine available to everyone?
If you are a woman then SoulShine is available to you.
Upon registration you will be given a medical release form.
If for any reason, your coach or mentor feels that this program is not for you, they will let you know.
What happens at the end of the program?
Celebration! We encourage you to reflect on your achievements over the past 12 weeks. And look at yourself with confidence as you plan for the future as you set your sights on new goals. We are here to support you through programs, events, retreats and coaching.
“She gave specific tools tailored for me that assist me me with my very difficult child. I saw the results from day one and continue to see them daily.”
“It made such a difference having a mentor in the picture. I knew everyone was rooting me on.” I can’t believe what I’ve accomplished!”
“I am watching my dreams come to life ….I never thought I could do it! Thank you!”
“In the moment – real. Addressed life life struggles with examples of today’s struggles. My coach is so compassionate it’s making me be more compassionate to my kids and to myself. Plus, she gives great homework!”
“All of her ideas and her guidance brought me positive energy. She helped me to access my inner coach. I learned I’m in charge of my inner world. It gave me a lot to think about and access to different perspectives and ideas I’ve never thought about before. SoulShine changed the way I think.”
“I feel like I met my soul sisters! Watching everyone change and grow has been a wonder. Our lives are so different, even our goals are different, but doing this work together connects us. I have really put the pedal to the metal on my life!”
<a href="https://app.monstercampaigns.com/c/zs8epvm5wmtoyrh98qkx/" class="manual-optin-trigger" data-optin-slug="zs8epvm5wmtoyrh98qkx" target="_blank"><button style="border:0;color:white;font-size:28px;padding:1.75% 3.5%;border-radius:5px;font-weight:600;background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #b88f57, #f6d59e);">YES!! Sign me up so my SOUL can SHINE!</button></a>

Registration is open for the School of Coaching and Transformation!