By Rivka Malka

April 24, 2012

Spread Spiritual Fun!

Too many women are not having fun yet!

I started this site 3 months ago because people would tell me ” I saw you on FB” And I started thinking…

 “If I’m on FB why not say something that matters.” 

“No way, we thought you wanted to teach us about tichels.”

The truth was, that the tichels came about from some great advice for Israel Jerome Bethea, my videographer. He said, “Start where you’re natural.”

Best Advice.

So I started with tichels, thinking, “I work with young professionals, and they’re not wearing tichels, why am I doing this?”

But once, I started it became clear that this was where G-d wanted me.

And at the end of the day, this is what my WOW (Jewish young professionals group) want from me too. To just be natural. Not to tailor make content to any one person, but to take a stand for authenticity.

So anyway, that’s the back story and here we are now. And its been an amazing ride!

I think we can move this forward even more and bring some real good  to the world. 20,000 clicks are not all for tichels. It’s a hungry, hungry world out there. Take a second and feed a friend your favorite post or two!

Thank you!

Rivka Malka


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