Why I Love the Succulent Skills of Life Coaching

Life Coaching is taking off. You know how therapy became the norm at some point? Where people realized that its a sign of good health to get the help that you need? Coaching is becoming like that too. People are realizing that they have only one life and they want to get the most out of it.

We want to be excellent. We want to be unblocked. We want to change. No one wants to a tombstone saying “She lived a mediocre live. In this video”

Building Intimacy in Your Marriage

In this podcast we get deep into the things that are important to a woman. We explore the most important places to bring intimacy and incredible connection in our marriage.
Have fun! And don’t forget to comment below or if you’d prefer, send me a private message!
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The Three Weeks

  Tomorrow is the 17th of Tammuz in the Jewish (lunar) calendar. If this day hasn’t been on your radar before, don’t feel bad. Today’s a great day to learn about it so you can enter tomorrow prepared. The 17th of Tammuz is a fast day that commemorates 5 tragedies that befell the Jewish people. […]

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