The Art of Womanhood is a revolutionary online workshop series for women of all ages.
In this workshop you will learn:
How to:
Be emotionally available but have good boundaries.
Nurture your spirituality within the daily demands.
Respect men and be appropriately embrace our feminine role.
Take your friendships to a new level.
Love your body.
Believe in yourself.
Live life as a giver but not lose yourself in the process.
Embrace your femininity beyond what Western culture tells you that is.
Be happy and have a truly blissful marriage.
To join today and reserve your spot, sign up HERE.
The Art of Womanhood workshops will not be typical. We will not only learn, but form a community of growing women. You will experience deep camaraderie and actionable results. The workshops will explore realms that women never talk about but should.
Q. I am not married. Is this class for me?
A. Yes! Though some of the examples may be within the context of a relationship,this Art is about balance and pleasure and is something all women need.
Q. Will you be focusing on marriage at all?
A. Yes! The primary focus will be building the foundation of The Art of Womanhood, but the results will drastically improve your marriage. Following this series, I will be offering The Art of Marriage workshops.
To join today and reserve your spot, sign up HERE.
Workshop Information
What :The Art of Womanhood – An Intimate, Interactive, Inspiring Reclaiming.
Dates Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 and Feb 1
Time – 8:30pm – 10:00pm
Location – Online
Price – Early Bird Registration OVER
After Dec 16 – $99
Class will include include homework and in – class coaching.
Not available to attend the live class?? Don’t worry! All classes will be recorded and replays will be sent out the next day.
Click HERE to Sign up
The Art of Womanhood will change your life.