The Heroine of Creativity

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The Heroine System

Here you’ll discover ways to mazimize your strengths, work with your vulnerable spots and work best with other heroine types.

You possess heroic creativity. In a world where people see dark, you see light. You have an inner engine for joy and spontaneity and can access that gift more often than not. You may be puzzled at how people go forward in their life with boredom or unhappiness. Those things are just not an option for you. You have an individualistic streak and can create fun or connection almost out of thin air 

You bring the gift of lightness to the world, the gift of newness and the gift of love. You may be light but that does not mean you are. Alightqeight. You have a brilliance an ingenuity that moves fast. You process quickly and march to the beta of your own drum. You may not make sense to everyone but you make sense to you and the results are almost always amazing.

With all this movement and creativity you’re bound to make mistakes, but that’s okay. Thats how you roll. You’re living life alive and bringing the sunshine through your vitality, your art, your joy and your ideas.


Thank you for being you. for sharing your joy so effortlessly making the rest of us feel great. Thank you for continuing to be yourself with your own artistic streak and spontaneity.  You are fresh air in a world that is often stale with old ideas. Thank you for sharing your talents so generosity and kindly.  Thank you for not making a big deal out of things that would bother most people. You are a teacher for flexibility and ease. You know how to live life alive.


Like all heroines you have your challenges. It can be hard to understand a world that works so differently than you. It can be hurtful to not be taken seriously. Not only that but with all your creative juices it cn be hard for you to be pinned down whether to a job, to a schedule or to a new habit. You’re awesome once you did it but ita not fun for you to feel constrained. Working with other pwoples schedule can be hard.

The journey for. Heroic Creator is to hold herself with two hands. On one hand to not change, to keep her vitality and creativity and on the other hand to grow hers up so she can meet her responsibilities. 

Its an epic journey and one that keat her blossom into her full strength and heroism.

Ready to Learn a Lot More?

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Our ‘Learn to speak their secret language’ PDF download contains a collection of words and phrases that make each different hero or heroine type light up. Great for enhancing spouse and child interactions.

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