By Rivka Malka

October 31, 2014

The Shabbos Project

Sometimes I have so much going on that its hard to capture it all in words. So I end up not posting. Which is nuts because there’s so much to write about! Instead I recapped for you in this video that I took the day after the event.

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In the video link you’ll get to see the movement that took over my life for the past month. In an unparalleled act of unity over 1 million people kept shabbos together all around the world. The prelude to this was The Great Challah Bake. Go Google it – you won’t believe your eyes. Pictures and videos of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of women all around the world baking challah together.

Or look up the Shabbos Project on YouTube – It’s unbelievable what they’ve accomplished.(Plus, you’ll get to hear Paula Abdul saying that she’s keeping Shabbos!)

Since quitting my job last year I have stepped down from organizing  large events. But The Challah Bake – THAT I had to do. From the minute I saw the video I knew I was going to be involved.

Do you want to be inspired? Click HERE to hear about The Shabbos Project – everyone is already talking about next year!!!rivka malka

In the meantime, my life is divided between before the Challah Bake and After. Nothing is the same. I feel that G-d gave me an opportunity and an opening to a connection to women that was so joyous, that I must continue it. I don’t know what that will look like but I’ll let you know when I know .

Good Shabbos,

Love, Rivka Malka

rivka malka rivka malka Challah Bake 3 rivka malka

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