A Guided Healing Transformation session is where you are ready and willing to have. A breakthrough experience via a recorded session with Rivka Malka
In these meditative coaching sessions you will be led through a series of powerful questions and fascinating exercises that will guide you to clarity, insight and action.
Each session is fully immersive and includes music, discovery writing, breath work and sometimes even art and movement. Bring a journal, a pen and maybe even some markers!
Transformation coaching is designed to open doors for you that you haven’t even seen before. Prepare to be amazed, to be understood, to release what you no longer need and to make real change in your life.
Try our demo to experience the transformation. For a true and deep healing we recommend that you buy them all as a package. This will bring you deep and profound lasting change.
Hear what customers are saying
Rivka Malka’s guided coaching mediations are a true gift to humanity.
One is literally taken through a real transformative experience, from pain to healing, from struggle to freedom, from lacking to fulfillment. All with compassion and gentleness, to reach one’s Kavod, one’s Soul, that gives witness to our journeys and supports our success.
I am so grateful, and strongly recommend this most beneficial self-coaching healing meditation.
Tracy C
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Gentleness Compassion & Kavod
27 min. 49 sec. Listen
Compassion is the doorway for wisdom. What happens when you bring self compassion to your current situation. Where can clarity blossom. This coaching session involves powerful questions and journal prompts.
The goal of the session is to help you create intentional action based on your new compassionate insights.
More coaching sessions
17 min. 30 sec. Listen
Receiving is a feminine art and a form of trust. Feeling comfortable with receiving is something that is modeled from the women in our life as well as from our own experiences. Oftentimes you can end up with an independence or even loneliness that you don’t truly want. What if you could connect more to others? This exercise is a guided meditation with journaling and art. The goal is to help you soften and open the doors of your heart to yourself and those around you. Prepare to receive insights!
17 min. 11 sec. Listen
Giving is our most natural way of being. What happens when we bring the lens in closer and explore our acts of giving. In this exercise we’ll be exploring the gifts that you give and how they give back to you. We’ll be using reflective writing to list our acts of service and see them through a. divine lens. The goal of this session is to bring awe and awareness to all that you do and the way that you do it. For that which we focus on, grows.
Core Beliefs
30 min. 50 sec. Listen
We all have “I am” statements that live in our minds. These labels about ourselves are part of our core Beliefs about life. I am loved. I am good. I am alone. I have to get things right. I am the only responsible one..I am irresponsible. I have to save the world. I am not confident. Etc. In this coaching session we will boldly look at some of these identity beliefs and challenge them. We will notice where they came from and challenge their authenticity. We will step into something new and fitting. This session uses art and writing so be sure to bring your markers.
40 min. 14 sec. Listen
When you are hurt by someone it cuts to the core. That’s why this coaching session is the longest and most detailed. The pain of violation or injustice can linger in your system like an infection that hurts each time you touch it. This session on forgiveness aima to give you a door to freedom. It is possible to let go, to forgive and to heal. Based on Torah sources this exercise asks you to dig deep and be thorough. The result we are aiming for is a fresh perspective, a Divine healing and a new avenue for freedom from the past. Set aside some extra time for processing when the coaching session ends.
19 min. 30 sec. Listen
Working with accusations is one of the most powerful shifts a person can make. An accusation is a harsh blame against another or G-d. Living with accusations creates a sad or even angry inner climate. In this proactive session your eyes will become open to the ways that you think and how you can work with those thoughts to expand your relationships. You will create an action plan to live in your reality in peace, gratitude and proactive compassion.
Self Forgiveness
19 min. 03 sec. Listen
Did you know that it’s possible to eat yourself up from the inside? We are naturally good and want to do good. However, life’ journies brings us to mistakes and wrong choices. These choices can be debilitating to live with. Whether it’s about big events in our life, or the day to day ups and downs, learning to forgive ourselves is imperative. In this session we’ll take you on a trip of compassion, understanding and learning. The goal of this session is to melt the walls of your heart and for you to let yourself breathe again. Learning self – forgiveness is the key to holy Teshuva. This exercise will guide you to a beautiful place of radiance and relief
21 min. 41 sec. Listen
Gevura means so many things: Might, boundaries and strength to name a few. When you have inner Gevura you have the capacity to say no from a clear and centered place. This coaching session is about firming up your inner boundaries. Using art and prompted writing you’ll discover a path to boundaries that is kind and firm and never harsh. Gevura is glorious. It’s the road to mobility and intentionality. This creative session will guide you to your most clear, wise and boundaries self.
Building a Relationship With Yourself
24 min. 21 sec. Listen
This exhilarating coaching session is designed to bring you to the heights of wonder, power and trust. Using breathing, meditation, writing, affirmations and more you will come to know yourself in your glory. You will take off the rags of shame and replace them with the stunning realization of who you were made to be. This session is one you can go back to again and again, each time you need a reminder. ” She remembered who she was and the game changed”. Attend this game changing session and enjoy the awesome woman you are.
Working With Anxiety
33 min. 17 sec. Listen
Anxiety is a state that is more common than we realize. You can have low level anxiety, with fears swirling around you head or high level anxiety that makes it hard to cope. In this session we will bravely and gently work with your fears and thoughts patterns so that you can come to a more empowered, steady and positive place. Using breath, movement, visualization and speech we will shift your experience and G-d willing bring the smile back to your face.
Finding and Activating Your Life Mission
28 min. 31 sec. Listen
We were each born with a mission. Everything in our lives and our entire personality is wired for the job. The idea of a mission or a unique purpose is something that you intrinsically know about. Sometimes there’s even a yearning ” I want to know what my mission is. I want to make my contribution.” This coaching session is special as is takes you on a journey all the way from the beginning of your life. We’ll walk with you as you discover the themes and patterns that make you who you are. We’ll guide you as you find words, meaning and actions that will support the magnificent person you’re meant to be.
Q. Can I experience the session more than once? A. Yes. Once you buy a session, you have access to it for as long as you want.
Q. If I went through a session once qil it help me to go through it again? A. Yes. These sessions are designed to be both personal and global. They can help you at almost any point in timw. That’s what makes them so wonderful. You can have coaching support whenever you want it.
Q. Are the sessions all similar? How do I know if I should buy more than one? A. Each session begins with settling the mind and breathe. From there each experience is completely different. The exercises are tailor made and targeted to help you to heal in a specific area. No two are the same.
Q. All the topic resonate with me. How do I know which one to buy? A. These sessions are intended to take you on a healing journey. Listening to one will be an experience. Working through all of them can bring you a profound shift in your entire being. The best idea is to buy all of them at the package price and then you will have them to support your journey.