How to NOT Treat a Man

“When is comes to marriage, women are the catalyzing force for the nature of their relationship with their husbands.”

Forgiving The Unforgivable

It was just a few years ago when life brought me crumbling to my knees. The pain and hurt I felt were impossible to let go of and forgive. The things I experienced and the people who hurt me didn’t deserve to be forgiven. I’ll never go back to who I was before. I could not […]

Can G-d Grow Bread On Trees?

[Lech Lecha  are the words that were told to Abraham. “Lech lecha, go to yourself” when G-d sent him on a journey into the unknown. We read it not only as go to yourself, but, despite the hardship, go for yourself, for your own benefit.] It’s been a long time since I sat down to […]

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